An incident tonight at the Hull New Theatre highlighted a perfect example of how lovely panto folk are.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears were in town, and, after Joey, the Clown (Neil Hurst) had sprayed those seated on the front rows with water from a huge water pistol, many times, he then covered the wet theatregoers in reams of toilet paper, so they could dry off. Thoughtful or what!
And that is why I never, ever sit on the front rows of a panto – one blast from that pistol and I would have been a fuzzball.
But from my fab seat up in the circle, how I laughed at the victims’ screams.
And I never stopped laughing all the way through this rip-roaring, colourful spectacle.
The whole production was a riot of colour from start to finish, thanks to the most amazing costumes – some of which (those of the dancing girls) would give the shows in Las Vegas a run for their money – fantastic lighting (well, except when Joey pulled the wrong plug out, pitching the whole theatre into darkness) and eye-popping backdrops and surrounds.
All the action centres around the circus, run by Dame Betty Barnum (Jack Land Noble) and helped by Goldilocks (Sheri Lineham).
Desperate for a star turn for his Big Top, Barnum, Goldilocks and Joey, head to a cottage in the forest to think, where they ate bowls of porridge, then went to bed.
And that’s when their luck changes, because the cottage belongs to three bears, Mummy Bear (Lauren Bimson), Daddy Bear (Jonny Weston) and Baby Bear (Jessica Daugirda).

When Barnum realises the bears can talk, after they had complained about their porridge being eaten, and also witnesses Baby Bear’s dancing skills, he sees dollar signs in his eyeballs. He had found his star turn.
But the evil ringmaster, Baron Von Bolshoi (Brendan Cole), does everything he can (oh, yes he does – sorry, had to put it in somewhere) – to ruin Barnum’s circus, even going so far as capturing the family of bears.
Would they escape the Baron’s evil clutches?
The on-stage shenanigans kept us in the packed theatre, entertained for more than two hours.
Among the ballet-dancing hippopotamuses, the dancing zebras, a giant gorilla, giraffes et al, we had humans who danced, sang, told jokes, caused mayhem and, apart from the Vegas-style showgirls, wore the most outlandish costumes ever, which were a definite highlight.
In a rare break from the general naughtiness, the juggling skills of El Mariachi Marquez (Gordon Marquez) have to be seen to be believed, at one point juggling just using his mouth.
Also having to be seen to be believed was the sight of Mummy Bear soaring through the air on a motorbike – and I mean soaring. How on earth?
Neil Hurst as Joey, the Clown, once again at this theatre is the glue that holds the whole show together. His non-stop repartee and instant connection to his audience is his forte in panto land.
Again, this year, he is aided and abetted by Jack Land Noble, who, as Barnum, is hilarious – every move he makes is exaggerated and his costumes and wigs defy description.
The cheers for these two characters turned to boos every time Brendan Cole as the Baron, entered the fray. He looked as if he was thoroughly enjoying being evil, getting into his malevolent stride even more as the night wore on.
Known for his long stint on the BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing, we didn’t know whether to cheer or boo him after his amazing dance sequences. I could have watched him dance all night.
Goldilocks (Sheri Lineham) is the innocent opposite of Joey, Barnum and the Baron, and her calmness is much needed at times – giving us all a breather.
All in all, the above are the perfect cast to bring this fantastical story to life. And with glorious music played by three talented musicians in the orchestra pit, it is panto at its best.
Running until Tuesday, December 31st, 2024. Tickets cost from £17.50. Performance times vary – visit for details. No performances on the following dates: December 12th, 16th, 20th and 25th. To book, visit the website or call (01482) 300306
Reviewed: Jackie Foottit
Reviewed: 15th December 2024
North West End UK Rating: