Tuesday, February 4

Conundrum – Young Vic

Conundrum, written and directed by Paul Anthony Morris is an intimate and confronting piece that follows a person discovering the hidden elements of their own trauma and the journey to forgive oneself for the cycle of abuse brought onto them from society.

Portrayed through movement and text, we watch how the trauma manifests itself pushing from inside mind, to grow throughout the body and into the space around them. We watch a person very comfortably enter the stage with boxes in hand in order to sort out the mess in the room, to then crumble by the memories and collapse with the overwhelming pressure of things that quite simply didn’t exist for certain others around him. Words, written all over the stage floor, chalk in hand and a mind that is more intelligent than most, this character is told he must be ‘10 times smarter than anyone else’ however is not believed to be, even told to minimise himself for it.

In collaboration with Crying in the Wilderness Productions, this piece is staged beautifully with a strong creative team behind them. Lighting designer, Jack Weir and set designer, Sean Cavanagh really worked together here to create a memorable piece that created tension and really pushed the character into vulnerability and fear.

This is a piece that confronts you and challenges your thoughts – particularly on how the education system can glorify or punish you. It should be a part of a wider conversation and it definitely sat with me for a long time after.

Conundrum continues at the Young Vic until the 4th February 2022. https://www.youngvic.org/whats-on/conundrum-2022

Reviewer: Alice Rose

Reviewed: 19th January 2022

North West End UK Rating: ★★★
