Calamity Jane – Opera House
Aaahh, Calamity Jane; evoking warm childhood memories of sitting on a Sunday afternoon in front of the TV with my late Mum, watching Doris Day (in implausibly pristine buckskin) sparring with Howard Keel in the iconic 1953 film. I clearly was not alone in my wistful nostalgia this evening, with a packed press night audience forsaking hearth and home during a freezing January, to rapturously welcome this stage version as it sets off on a 29 city tour of the UK over the next six months. They were rewarded with a show which revels in its sentimentality but has enough heart and humour to send even the most cynical critic home humming its memorable songs.
An example of screen inspiring stage rather than vice versa, ‘Calamity Jane’ didn’t arrive on stage until nearly a decade after the movie ...