Young said in an interview on KALW in 2023 that he wants his shows to be ‘not only accessible but relatable’, as there is ‘music out there with which the audience may not be familiar’. This all-American programme, which sees a selection of dances from Bernstein’s West Side Story and On the Town combined with works by Barber and Glass not only reflected this ethos but also clearly demonstrated why Young is one of the most compelling conductors of the current day.

Young, who in his youth was surrounded by band and gospel music, knew he wanted to be a conductor from the age of 16. Barber, whose family included several famous musicians, was even younger in deciding his future in music, telling his mother at the age of 7 that he wanted to be a composer. His earlier style is characterised by lyricism and straightforward harmonies and rhythms. However, his second essay can be seen as a transition to his later more experimental stage. Barber used the term ‘essay’ to describe short orchestral pieces characterised by the development of a few thematic ideas. Here, the themes are introduced and then elaborated upon with the music increasing in intensity and energy, with rapid rhythmic patterns and repeated note accompaniments. Since its premiere in 1942, it has become one of his most popular pieces and it proved equally popular with the Philharmonic audience.
Glass’s violin concerto is another work that has become popular in the classical repertoire. Written in 1937 in the minimalist tradition for which Glass was noted, the music has an almost hypnotic effect with repeated melodies and motifs, here played with supreme skill and emotional expression by Chloë Hanslip, clearly demonstrating why she is considered one of the leading violinists of her generation.
However, it was with the Bernstein pieces that Young’s immense musicality and his superb phrasing and rhythmic control came to the fore, allowing the orchestra to demonstrate why music should not be looked down on just for having been composed for an orchestra that would be performing in the pit rather than on the stage. Anyone familiar with West Side Story will find it difficult to judge the music purely on its own merits, but there is no mistaking the narrative inherent in the drama conveyed by the explosion of sound, the sheer energy of the dance pieces, and the poignancy and delicacy of ‘Somewhere’.
Finally, the orchestra was really able to let their hair down with ‘On the Town’ – fabulous fun from start to finish.
Joseph Young – Conductor
Chloë Hanslip – Violin
Barber’s Essay No. 2
Glass Violin Concerto No. 1
Bernstein Symphonic Dances from West Side Story
Bernstein Three Dance Episodes from On the Town
Reviewer: Johanna Roberts
Reviewed: 16th January 2025
North West End UK Rating: